Library of Things

At the Montpelier Library, we believe it is our job to serve the community in a way that offers people the ability to learn, grow, and reach goals in all aspects of life, and that is why we offer much more than books! Feel free to check out any of the following items in our Library of Things!

 Loan PeriodAge RestrictionHoldsRenewableLimit Per CardLate Fine
Hotspots7 daysAdult only1 per card
Museum Passes7 daysAdult only1 per card
Sensory Backpacks14 daysAdult only1 per card
Birdwatching Backpacks14 daysAdult only1 per card
Board Games14 days
Tonies7 daysAdult only1 box & 3 figures
Cake Pans14 days
Puzzles14 days
Homeschool MaterialsN/A
CD Players14 days1 per card